Monday, June 28, 2010

Typical Summer in the Desert

June was horrible! It was all about the typical summer heat in the desert. Horribly hot. My girls wanted to play outside. But we couldn't take the heat. The AC was on 24/7. And around 8pm, we'd all head outside to our pool. In all honesty, the only cool time of day was between 6-8am. My girls and I lived for that time of day. And then, we all took 4 hour naps in the middle of the day.

Now, it's nearly July. The Monsoon Season is beginning. And the typical dry and hot summer days are turning quickly into muggy stormy evenings and nights. I love it! So do our kids. Because the temps have dropped at least 15 degrees in the past week. It means mornings spent outside. Playing and gardening. Even the twins are enjoying it. :)

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